Well, it is not a problem with the memory - I ran MemTest for 4 hours and not one error resulted. So what can it be that is causing my PC to freeze and on reboot give me the access violation blue screen of death? I have to do more investigating... But, I've managed to boot up into Vista without the bluescreen and reboot, so that's something...
In the meantime, I've been reading up on speeding up Vista and all the googles return talk about Readyboost, so I've ordered two 4Gb USB sticks off Play.com which are Readyboost ready! One to use as the Readyboost memory cache, and the other as a buffer for MediaPortal's TVServer (for it to buffer TV to, instead of writting to the HDD). We will see how this goes...
I've also ordered two 1Gb memory sticks to raise the memory in the HTPC from 3Gb to 4Gb. I am also thinking about getting a controllable 120mm case fan (or a 120 to 80mm adaptor), as I think it might be the heat that is causing my PC problems. Currently I do not have the case's two fans plugged in due to the noise they make!
44 minutes ago